Terms & Conditions
“Sargis & Davit Aslanyanner” LLC greets you on www.accord.am and offers to get acquainted with the terms and rules below before giving consent for the purchase of any preferred goods.
Thank you for visiting https://accord.am . We are a professional equipment store – a leading supplier of high-quality equipment and creative solutions in the field of professional and home sound, as well as lighting solutions in Armenia. Please read our Terms and Conditions below.
General Provisions
“Sargis & Davit Aslanyanner” LLC (hereinafter referred to as the Seller) presents the sold assortment on given site that is considered as public offer, directed to natural or legal entities, having the right to conclude sales and purchase contract with the Seller on terms, established in this offer. Contract concluded on the base of offer acceptance by the Buyer is considered as adhesion contract to which the Buyer joins with no exceptions and/or objections.
Ordering for goods purchase independently by the Buyer or via Seller is an incontrovertible fact of accepting of this Contract provisions. Buyer, confirmed an order for goods purchase is considered as person entered into relations with the Seller, pursuant to provisions of this Contract.
Subject of Contract
On the base of registered valid/effective order the Seller transfers and the Buyer after order confirmation pays and receives the ordered goods, pursuant to this Contract. The price of goods is established by the Seller in unilateral procedure (having published on www.accord.am in prior) and is fixed in AMD by which value/price per unit is expressed. The Seller is entitled any time to change the price of offered goods with no notification.
Confidentiality and protection of personal data
At order registration on www.accord.am the Buyer presents the following data: name, surname, father’s name, phone number, e-mail, registration address, factual residence address (if registration address differs from residence address), where the ordered goods should be delivered.
The Seller uses information, received from the Buyer for execution of obligations regarding the Buyer.
The Seller undertakes not to disclose data, received from the Buyer, except for cases, established by this Contract and the Law. The Seller may transfer data to agents and the third persons, operating on the base of Contract, concluded with the Seller with a purpose of execution of obligations, taken regarding the Buyer, for that the Buyer gives his unconditional consent.
Payment at www.accord.am can be made in two ways: online or by cash. Online payments are made through the Acba bank and Idram payment system. We also serve ARCA, Visa and Master Card holders. Cash payments are made at the moment of delivery with AMD.
Letters abd Spam
For more detailed information, you can send an email to [email protected] or call +374-98-55-60-17
or +374 98-55-60-25
Copyright Protection
Accord is a registered trademark. You may not use, copy, translate, or distribute the Accord brand without permission. If you are interested in the information on Accord.am, please contact Accord.am by sending a letter to [email protected] or call +374-98-55-60-17 or +374 98-55-60-25.
Accord.am and this Agreement are governed by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.
Accord.am ©2023 – All rights reserved